Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Storyline for 'Dreams' (Refined)

  Jamie sitting down at the sofa, on her video cam start recording a video. ‘I feel so sorry, if that day I’m not stubborn, I think everything will not happen’

  Jamie walking on the street, slowly she came to a coffee house to have her hi-tea.  Jamie found a sit sitting down, next to her table there’s a guy, wearing a sun glasses having his coffee. Jamie looked at the guy for a while then a waiter came and asked Jamie ‘Would you like to take some order?’  Jamie replied ‘umm..just give me a cup of coffee, that’s all’ Waiter said replied ‘Alright.’

  The guy sitting next table to her, heard Jamie’s voice and he holed for a few seconds and continue his coffee. The guy took out his wallet and opened it. There’s something like photo inside his wallet slowly drop on the floor.

  Jamie saw it, and she picked up the thing like photo that the guy just dropped. Jamie hold for a while when she look at the thing and she felt headache, everything turns black.

  Jamie’s phone rang, she received a call from his boyfriend. Boyfriend said ’Jamie, we just end here, I’m very sorry’ Jamie replied ’WHY?? Why you wanted to broke up with me? Why?’ Jamie crying while running. The sound of ‘Horning’, ‘Bang’, and ‘ambulance sound’ appeared. She heard a guy voice speaking ‘Sorry sir, she may lost her part of memory, and… she’ll be blind’.  Slient for a few seconds another guys speaking ‘What if I donated my eyes to her?’ Jamie tears drop on the photo, and the photo is Jamie and the guy’s couple photo.

  The guy holding his walking stick slowly walked away from his table. Jamie was crying there. Jamie stand up and run away to chase the guy.  The guy walking slowly on the street while holding his walking stick.  Jamie catch up his hand while crying. The guy stopped and turned to face Jamie.  The guy smile to Jamie doesn’t say anything and turned back walked away. Jamie look at his ‘离开的背影’ she feel regret.

  Jamie recording the video with the last word ‘Thanks you for everything, you eyes…’ Recording end.
Jamie take the video backup and put inside the mailbox of the guy’s.


Message: Have you ever scarify something to your love?  Once you did it, you’ll never ask for return from her/him.

v  i  v  i  a  n  

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