Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Complain nor Blame

We're always complain this and that...

but, at the same time..do you ever think about ..

we're actually live with Happiness?

do you ever thought about it when you're complaining?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Miracle ?

" Miracles happen to those who believe in them "

奇迹,这世上会有奇迹吗? 你相信奇迹会出现吗?

' Miracle ' 这字眼出现在我今天穿得连帽橙色衣服上...

奇迹真的会出现吗? 还是这只是安慰人的字眼?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shermaine ♥

Shermaine Chuah.. my first and only cutest Niece..

She just born last week..17 August 2010...is a 'SHE'

I love to visit her when I'm free..especially now..I'm super free

I think i'll visit her everyday, bcoz I'm holiday-ing now..hehe!

Monday, August 23, 2010

New blog First post..!

This is my 1st post in my NEW BLOG !

I hv nothing to write here, coz i dont like blogging.

But...surprisingly..I created a BLOG..

 it's because of something which is compulsory. >.<

*sign.. Now we are sem-breaking, damn bored!!